Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Hairless, Toothless Puppy: Um, Huh?

So I read this on Yahoo this morning:

A four-month old puppy that goes by the name "Ears" is seen in Lima November 10, 2008. Peruvians crazy about their national dog the Peruvian Hairless Dog, a bald and often toothless breed popular among Incan kings, offered on Monday to send a hypoallergenic puppy to the Obama family.

Um, yeah. Toothless and hairless, I might add.

For those who know me at all, you know how maniacal I am about dogs. I have two Danes and a boxer, and there's always room for about 4 more in my house. Love dogs. LOVE.

But this dog? As the White House representative canine? For chrissake...if you want hypoallergenic, get a turtle. I'm sure he's lovable and all, but it's like picking Sandra Bernhard to be the next Miss America.
